Customer Case-Studies

Dayton Machine Tool Company
Industry: Manufacturing
Background: Dayton Machine Tool was looking to migrate all of their core-data and applications to a new server.  After being quoted a rather high price, and having been told their entire intranet website would need to be re-written to run on the new server, CincyTechs® was called in to provide assistance.

Challenge: We were faced with several challenges with respect to the legacy applications in use at the facility. 

Solution: CincyTechs® was able to migrate the customer's intranet website to the new server platform with minimal code remediation, and was able to restore functionality that hadn't worked in years.  We were able to complete the project within 10 hours and for a small fraction of the cost the customer had anticipated.


Christ Church Cathedral
Industry: Religious
Background: Christ Church Cathedral wanted to move their shop website to a new hosting-provider to save money each year.  When their existing IT partner was unable to complete the project, the church was left without a website for over a week.  CincyTechs® was brought onboard to complete the project.

Challenge: The challenge we faced with this project was moving an e-commerce website to a new hosting provider despite the website's dependencies on proprietary server components available exclusively through the previous hosting-provider.

Solution: CincyTechs® was able to design and implement a completely customized e-commerce website from the ground-up that met all of the customer's needs while having no back-end server dependencies.  The new website provides enhanced security for all credit-card transactions, provides customers with real-time order tracking, and allows the church to feature their entire inventory.  The new website reduces time and effort by allowing for streamlined administration - all while reducing their annual expenses by over 80%.


Date Last Modified: 12/21/2008